June 22, 2018

Vapors Update – June 22, 2018

Final preparations are underway to start the next 242-A Evaporator campaign this coming weekend. The vapor control strategy for the evaporator campaign is based on industrial hygiene monitoring results from recent evaporator campaigns and has been reviewed by the Chemical Vapor Solutions Team and the […]
June 21, 2018

UPDATE: Odors reported outside of AW Farm – June 21, 2018

Two Hanford workers were released back to work after undergoing medical evaluation for odors reported today outside of AW Farm. One of the workers reported symptoms while the other did not. A third worker also reported odors but declined a precautionary medical evaluation. The employees […]
June 21, 2018

Odors reported outside of AW Farm – June 21, 2018

Two Hanford workers are undergoing medical evaluation after reporting odors today outside of AW Farm. One of the workers reported symptoms while the other did not. A third worker also reported odors but declined a precautionary medical evaluation. The employees were supporting AW Farm exhauster […]
June 18, 2018

Odors reported in 242-A pump storage room – June 18, 2018

Two Hanford workers were released back to work after undergoing medical evaluation Friday for odors reported in the 242-A pump storage room airlock. One of the workers reported symptoms while the other did not. The employees were performing valve line-up prerequisites for the upcoming 242-A […]
June 12, 2018

Vapors update June 12, 2018

Starting today, some workers in the AP tank farm will have the option to use full-face air-purifying respirators (FFAPRs) equipped with filter cartridges for low-hazard non-waste-disturbing work in the AP tank farm. [pdf-embedder url=”https://hanfordvapors.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Vapors-Weekly-Update-6-12-18.pdf” title=”Vapors Weekly Update 6-12-18″]