AOP-015 Event Investigation Reports (EIRs)
Sorted by year beginning 2014
The following files are Event Investigation Reports (EIRs) from AOP-015 events.
Chemicals are routinely monitored in the tank farms. When a Personal Ammonia Monitor alarm occurs, the TF-AOP-015 procedure is initiated.
The initial event investigation process ensures significant issues are aggressively investigated and documented so facilities can assess the impact of each event or condition. The operations manager, responsible for the day-to-day operation of the laboratory or tank farm facilities, takes ownership of investigation of events, conditions, "near misses," or other indications of situations within or outside the operations organization that, if uncorrected, can adversely affect safety, health, quality assurance, safeguards and security, operations, or the environment.
EIR-2022-106 (12/28/2022)EIR-2022-093 (11/30/2022)
EIR-2022-079 (10/07/2022)
EIR-2022-073 (08/31/2022)
EIR-2022-071 (08/26/2022)
EIR-2022-070 (08/25/2022)
EIR-2022-068 (08/17/2022)
EIR-2022-059 (07/26/2022)
EIR-2022-058 (07/14/2022)
EIR-2022-054 (06/24/2022)
EIR-2022-052 (06/16/2022)
EIR-2022-044 (05/25/2022)
EIR-2022-039 (05/03/2022)
EIR-2022-31 (04/07/2022)
EIR-2022-26 (03/22/2022)
EIR 2022-010 (02/02/2022)
EIR-2022-013 (02/11/2022)
EIR 2021-006 (02/16/2021)EIR 2021-021 (03/31/2021)
EIR 2021-022 (04/05/2021)
EIR 2021-023 (04/06/2021)
EIR 2021-030 (04/26/2021)
EIR-2021-031 (04/26/2021)
EIR 2021-033 (05/01/2021)
EIR-2020-005 (01/24/2020)EIR-2020-031 (08/27/2020)
EIR-2020-039 (09/24/2020)
EIR-2020-043 (10/06/2020)
EIR-2020-046 (10/21/2020)
EIR-2020-052 (12/02/2020)
EIR 2021-036 (05/06/2021)
EIR 2021-038 (05/17/2021)
EIR-2021-039 05/18/2021)
EIR-2019-003 (01/28/2019)EIR-2019-006 (02/04/2019)
EIR-2019-012 (03/19/2019)
EIR-2019-013 (03/19/2019)
EIR-2019-014 (03/21/2019)
EIR-2019-018 (04/16/2019)
EIR-2019-019 (04/22/2019)
EIR-2019-021 (04/30/2019)
EIR-2019-023 (05/21/2019)
EIR-2019-025-026 (06/09/2019)
EIR-2019-029 (06/19/2019)
EIR-2019-033 (07/11/2019)
EIR-2019-038 (09/04/2019)
EIR-2019-049 (12/02/2019)
EIR-2019-050 (12/03/2019)
EIR-2019-051 (12/09/2019)
EIR-2019-054 (12/30/2019)
EIR-2016-06 (02/25/2016)EIR-2016-09 (03/08/2016)
EIR-2016-10 (03/14/2016)
EIR-2016-11 (03/21/2016)
EIR-2016-14 (04/06/2016)
EIR-2016-15 (04/07/2016)
EIR-2016-17 (04/11/2016)
EIR-2016-19 (04/28/2016)
EIR-2016-20 (05/02/2016)
EIR-2016-21 (05/03/2016)
EIR-2016-22 (05/03/2016)
EIR-2016-23 (05/04/2016)
EIR-2016-24 (05/04/2016)
EIR-2016-25 (05/10/2016)
EIR-2016-28 (06/20/2016)
EIR-2016-34 (07/12/2016)
EIR-2016-39 (08/03/2016)
EIR-2016-54 (11/30/2016)
EIR-2014-08 (03/26/2014)EIR-2014-10 (04/03/2014)
EIR-2014-11 (04/28/2014)
EIR-2014-17 (05/29/2014)
EIR-2014-18 (05/29/2014)
EIR-2014-20 (06/16/2014)
EIR-2014-24 (07/17/2014)
EIR-2014-25 (07/18/2014)
EIR-2014-26 (07/29/2014)
EIR-2014-29 (08/27/2014)
EIR-2014-30 (09/15/2014)
EIR-2014-33 (09/24/2014)
EIR-2014-37 (10/02/2014)
EIR-2014-46 (11/20/2014)
AOP-015 Event Investigation Reports (EIRs)
Sorted by tank farm, beginning 2014. (AOP-015's do not occur in areas where work is not being conducted.)
A Farm
EIR-2023-068 (09/05/2023)EIR-2022-093 (11/30/2022)
EIR-2022-079 (10/07/2022)
EIR-2022-073 (08/31/2022)
EIR-2022-068 (08/17/2022)
EIR-2022-058 (07/14/2022)
EIR-2022-044 05/25/2022)
EIR-2022-26 (03/22/2022)
EIR-2021-021 (03/31/2021)
EIR-2017-024 (06/13/2017)
EIR-2016-022 (05/03/2016)
EIR-2016-006 (02/25/2016)
EIR-2014-024 (07/17/2014)
B/BY/BX Farm
Outside of/in-between Farms
EIR-2023-056 AOP-015 U Farm Change Trailer (07/27/2023)EIR-2023-043 AOP-015 AP Valve Pit (06/13/2023)
EIR-2023-034 AY Change Tent (05/19/2023)
EIR-2022-071 217AY-1 Change Tent (08/26/2022)
EIR-2022-070 A Farm Change trailer MO-2249 (08/25/2022)
EIR-2022-052 AY Farm Change Trailer (06/16/2022)
EIR 2022-013 217-AW Change tent (02/11/2022)
EIR 2022-010 AN Farm change trailer (02/02/2022)
EIR 2021-030 241-AP change trailer (04/26/2021)
EIR 2021-006 C farm Change Trailer (2/16/2021)
EIR-2020-046 East of 272AW (10/21/2020)
EIR-2020-043 Outside U Farm Change Trailer 10/06/2020
EIR-2020-039 Change Trailers Outside AY Farm (09/24/2020)
EIR-2020-031 Outside 252-S and U Farm (08/27/2020)
EIR-2020-005 East AX Tent (01/24/2020)
Outside of/in-between Farms
EIR-2019-054 West of A-Farm (12/30/2019)EIR-2019-050 242-A Condenser Room (12/03/2019)
EIR-2019-038 West of TX Change Trailer (09/04/2019)
EIR-2019-033 LERF Basin 42/43 (07/11/2019)
EIR-2019-025-026 East of 241-AP Farm (06/19/2019)
EIR-2019-025-026 MO-818 AW Change Trailer (06/09/2019)
EIR-2019-023 241-A Farm Change Trailer(05/21/2019)
EIR-2019-021 Adjacent to 241 C-105 Trailer (04/30/2019)
EIR-2019-019 U Farm Change Trailer (04/22/2019)
EIR-2019-014 244A Lift Station (03/21/2019)
EIR-2019-012 MO2249 (03/19/2019)
EIR-2019-006 AY-2 AY-1 change trailers (02/04/2019)
EIR-2019-003 271AP Instrument Building (01/28/2019)
Outside of/in-between Farms
EIR-2018-039 Outside U Farm Change Trailer (10/24/2018)EIR-2018-035, 271AP Instrument Building (10/04/2018)
EIR-2017-013, SX Change Trailer (03/30/2017)
EIR-2017-002 702AZ Sample Cabinet (01/26/2016)
EIR-2017-001, Grout Loop (01/25/2017)
EIR-2016-054, AX Change Trailer (11/30/2016)
EIR-2016-034, 4th & Canton (07/12/2016)
EIR-2016-024, 702AZ Room 5 (05/04/2016)
EIR-2016-011, Between AP & 272-AW (03/21/2016)
EIR-2014-037, 272-AW Shop (10/02/2014)
Industrial Hygiene Data
WRPS is committed to providing timely updates to the material in this section. Industrial hygienists and other subject matter experts will gather data as it becomes available.
The following files represent direct-read instrumentation results from AOP-015 events declared in the tank farms in 2017.
Jan. 26, 2017 702-AZ
Jan. 25, 2017 AP
IH Personal Air Sampling Results
The following files represent IH personal air sampling results and IH rounds & routines data.
2016 Rounds & Routines
May 2, 2016 AP-107
April 28, 2016 AP
The following files represent direct-read instrumentation results from AOP-015 events declared in 2016.
Dec. 1, 2016 2715AW
Nov. 30, 2016 AX
Aug. 3, 2016 AY
July 12, 2016 AP
June 10, 2016 702AZ
May 10, 2016 TY
May 10, 2016 TX
May 4, 2016 702AZ
May 4, 2016 4th&Canton
May 3, 2016 Buffalo
May 3, 2016 244A-702AZ-AY
May 2, 2016 AP
April 28, 2016 AY-AX
April 28, 2016 AP
March 3, 2016 AP
Feb. 25, 2016 244AR-204AR
The following files represent direct-read instrumentation results from AOP-015 events declared in the tank farms in 2015.
Aug. 14, 2015 SY
May 19, 2015 2750E
April 7, 2015 AN
April 2, 2015 AY102
March 19, 2015 AN
Feb. 10, 2015 AN
The following files represent direct-read instrumentation results from AOP-015 events declared in the tank farms in 2014.
Oct. 2, 2014 Inst Tech Shop-Conex
Sept. 24, 2014 SY
Sept. 15, 2014 SY
Aug. 27, 2014 SY
July 29, 2014 AN-Gate8
July 18, 2014 C
July 17, 2014 A
June 6, 2014 SY
May 29, 2014 SY101-ENRAF (DRI)
May 29, 2014 SY101-ENRAF (PERS)
May 29, 2014 AP
April 28, 2014 C
March 31, 2014 SY
March 27, 2014 AY102 (DRI)
March 27, 2014 AY102 (PERS)
March 26, 2014 T201
March 25, 2014 S